The disturbance in losing Efanor was so profound and the emotional jolt so hard that I couldn’t go on working as I was, but I will get back to it. In the meanwhile I had to keep working—when you work for yourself, you just have to keep on going, because the alternative is no-funds and no-food. So I hauled out the Chernevog project and got through one bad week with the resurrection of a book which itself represented some very devastating times.

I gave Rusalka a new copyright because of some revisions, but the one I knew most needed it was Chernevog: that one encompassed parental illnesses and some very, very hard times for me. My concentration had gone to blazes, and even an outline wasn’t helping me.

It’s been long enough now that I can get into that file and not recollect all that was going on in my life just then. Which is a good thing. I’m both appalled by the condition of what’s there, and amazed by the clarity of what I intended to do: that’s one darned good story buried in that confusion.

Well, to put it plainly, I’m rewriting it—not the good stuff; but I’m making it work the way it should have worked. What was wrong with Faery I can say was not my fault. This one was. But I’m fixing it. It’s going to be soooo much better. Those of you who were charitable enough to see the story past the problems, thank you: but I think you’ll enjoy this one when I get it done!