We’re a pretty friendly lot.

First go to the Gravatar site and get a gravatar so you can get a unique avatar—have a favorite pic ready. The gravatar will follow you to all Word Press sites.

Then come back here and sign up. We love new people. And once you sign up, add a comment to this thread: it won’t appear until I approve it, which is the way of new comments, but this way if you see a thread you’re aching to comment on in a timely way, you will not have to wait for approval. Once I tick the little blank and approve your first comment, seeing that you’re not offering us inheritances from Hong Kong, you’re in, and can give and take without my approval.

Think of this as one free-for-all ongoing convention. We get panel topics going, and we just sit in the hall and chat. There are two allied sites, The Captain and Lime [Jane Fancher], and Face of Chaos [Lynn Abbey],  plus Closed Circle and Seeking North and the Closed Circle Bazaar. So we’re a very varied lot, and we hope you’ll sign in with all of us. Lynn doesn’t have memberships, but Jane and I do. Membership here is a lot warmer and fuzzier than just visiting a website. Join us!