…that we just can’t, right now. The bathroom has to go ahead, because we have no lights, no cabinets, and you shower with a billowing lot of plastic wrap…But it will be beautiful.

The kitchen floor I fear is not going to settle too much more: it’s just going to look like hell. Sigh. But neither of us can take any more time off, and first we thought, well, we can just get the flooring while it’s on sale, leave it in boxes, and install it when we have time—

But the more we read customer reviews of various types, the more we realized we need to physically inspect every piece of flooring on receipt, because the edging strips on the pieces tend to crack and shatter if, say, someone lets a forklifted pallet down too hard. You can open a perfectly intact box and discover major damage in the edges of many pieces. And if your flooring isn’t all part of the same ‘run’ from the manufacturer, you can have dye-lot issues, especially on cheaper brands. So if you don’t open it for a year, you could be way out of luck.

The secret to how some companies manage super-cheap laminate? They bundle ‘lots’ together: some may have scratches; some may have broken edges; some may have other small flaws; and there you are: if you don’t inspect, you could open up boxes full of problems—and of course since they’re just repackaging, trying to get a warranty actually honored is impossible: the seller merely refers you to the packager, who may offer a 50 year warranty—but that’s, like the pirate maxim, more like a guideline. Try to find any satisfaction for it and you’re hosed.

So……I think we’re going to add the French payment to the floor fund and just shop for flooring when we actually have time and strength left. We’ve almost got a bathroom: Jane’s plaster job where we removed tile is SO smooth we now have to worry how to match the texture of the previously painted smooth wall. She’s good. But she always is. We have a fan, vented to the outside; we have a functioning storm window; we will have a new countertop, new medicine cabinets (with two women using the same bathroom, and cabinet, it was like Fibber Magee’s closet: you open it and bottles might fall out) and our pretty sink and new faucet, plus pretty shower curtains. It’ll be real pretty.  The kitchen—well, it’s just going to be a lumpy floor, but it’s a floor. We have that pretty well dried out with fans. And we have our Oreck air purifier units which do a pretty good job protecting us from pollen and mold.

The good news is that the minute we admitted we shouldn’t get that flooring yet, my brain came back on line and I got that scene I’ve been struggling with and I have the end of my book in sight. Writers are one part insane, you know, but it has to be a carefully coddled insanity, carefully focussed.