I have a bad habit of not drinking water.

Yesterday, within a matter of hours I…
…decided to make coffee, removed and dumped the grounds basket, left the holder in place above the tank (it’s a lever-pour tank system: Cuisinart)—
…poured in water. Check.
…poured in grounds…check.
…pushed start button. Check.

Halfway through, I draw off some coffee. No color to it.
I investigate. I’d forgotten to put the basket back in. Where had I put the new coffee? Oh. Into the holder. The water has now washed the coffee into the tank. I stop the brewing, refill the water to top, remove and wash the tank and holder, refill the grounds basket and drop it into the machine. I push start.
I then notice the holder sitting on the counter. Where is the grounds basket with the new coffee? Fallen through to the bottom of the tank.

Revising it all again—I finally brew coffee.

I go down to do something useful. I realize the sump for the marine tank is down. I refill the topoff reservoir, which kicks up the calcium powder in there, but no sweat…no need to unplug the topoff: it’s weak stuff.

I go upstairs to enjoy a cup of coffee, then notice the tank upstairs is totally white.

I’d forgotten I’d added 2 pounds of new calcium powder to that reservoir. And I’d just kicked it up, with the topoff running to put an inch of water into the system.

Jane, who is worried about my sanity, asked why the tank was white, and we concluded a water change would be a good idea. So we fineagled that, and got clean water in, which makes it less cloudy. But this is my pristine, just-set-up, ultimate dream tank, and I just coated everything in it white and spiked the ph. Wah! At least of all the accidents you can have with a marine tank, while this is disgusting, it’s not fatal, and the tank autocorrects eventually. If I could FIND my ph meter I could fix this—but, y’know, the system equilibrates well on its own, and am I going to improve the situation? No. So I have a crappy look on all the rock, sand and corals, and the clam’s miffed, but hey, everything’s alive.

I did venture to take the makeshift machete to the iris that need trimming for transport, and didn’t cut off any fingers, so I’m functioning better.

Last night I realized I was terribly thirsty for Coke, of all things, which says a) I’m overheated, which is never good—I’d gotten too much sun, and too little liquid; and b) I was dehydrated, which can equal stupid. By the time I’d taken down half a liter of diet cola with ice melt, I was cooled off and capable of function…so I think that was a big part of it. Yep, I know, water is better, but I can’t drink water without flavoring without muscle spasms (don’t ask: it’s from infancy), and ultimately, under a tablespoon of diet cola syrup, it’s water.

I am, however, down a pound.