…did this part this summer, when most of you know I was not at my best. I knew I wasn’t. I knew it wasn’t. And I wouldn’t turn it in until I had a chance to get my head right about it. Now the book will be what I wanted it to be.

So I’m happy. But this part of the work is going a shade more slowly, because I’m writing new material.

We got the two hemlocks planted on the side of the house. And we’ve discovered a method for untangling the yucca, about 10 plants that are deeply buried in grass. Dig ’em out, sod and all, put same in bucket of water, then de-grass them and replant. Jane’s idea. Getting grass out of yucca otherwise is not easy. These poor plants will not know what to do with water and good soil. They also have many root sections, so we are going to have more yucca before all is said and done.

Now we are exhausted again. Jane did most of the work: I’m having some sore joints-issues trying to swing the mattock, which is my weapon of choice. I made a store run, looking for raspberry salad dressing, but I’m fearing they’ve discontinued Jane’s favorite, Raspberry Salad Spritzer. If any of you know what chain is selling that flavor, let me know. I got several substitutes, including a huckleberry one, hoping to provide something she’ll like. My own taste runs to blue cheese or feta cheese Greek, and Jane considers those somewhat akin to atevi sauces. As you can see, her taste in salad dressing runs to the sweet side of the Force.