I hope this is the solution to the pond problems. It’s a killer unit. Literally. It’s sposed to kill algae, by exploding their cells. It’ll do in some of our beneficial bacteria, but we can add more. I want to see the fish.

I got the unit, saw the 1 and 1/4 inch outlet on it, knew I needed plumbing, but did bright me go to the Lowe’s a block upstream of the uncrossable traffic? No, I took the downstream course to Ace, only to be told by this sane sounding old guy it was special, and I should go to this pool place. Ha! I got there, several miles away, and it had been out of business and overgrown in weeds a long time ago.

So, exiting the twilight zone, I head for Lowes, several miles the other way, get the part, after some head scratching and creative plumbing, and got it assembled, with Jane’s help.

Crossing my fingers—this should do it. It’s rated for a 6000 gallon pond and we’re a bit over 4000. It should also give us a way to get ahead of harmful bacteria in the spring, which wake up before our fish do.