Swamped. Yes. What with the house still under remodel, and the cat situation, and winter coming, and 2 sessions a week in physical therapy (which is working), I just let time get away from me. Writing…did I mention that?

Thank you all for hanging in and hanging on.

The PT has just wiped me out 2 days a week—but the good news is, both of us are improving. Too much office chair sitting had done a number, and when you get (ahem!) a little older, you just can’t afford a bad chair.

I was doing really fairly well when Cat Wars went ballistic under me: Shu’s 16 lbs (like a bowling ball) went under the foot I was setting down and I hit the tile floor, faceplant. PT took care of that, too.

The good news is we have finally gotten Sei to spend a few quiet hours sitting in his cat tree while, 7 feet away, Jane sat with Tanner, both cats quiet and comfy. We did not add Shu to that situation. But if Sei settles, Shu will be less anxious. Shu may be the bully and brains of the pair, but Sei is the arbiter of good will. If Sei is upset, Shu is. That was yesterday.

Jane and I were both limping about and were having difficulty in general, and we are now walking much more freely and my balance is improving—given no cat knocking my foot from under me. We’re almost to the ‘starting an exercise program’ state. But not quite. Both of us had near identical problems, one hip joint with some ‘frozen’ tendons, ie, not responding right, and Jane was worse. But that’s getting (ow!) fixed, after both standard mds and chiropractors had failed. This guy is sports medicine, and he’s good. We got onto him via our former skating coach.

I’m making progress on the Foreigner book, and Jane is working like a trooper on sanding and mudding in the basement remodel, but she is also helping me out by ‘running’ the alternate story line in the Foreigner story: she’s taking Damiri and Cajeiri’s story line, and blocking that out, while I write Bren’s side—the two lines interweave, but in this case are geographically separate, so this makes things easier.

WHat else? We managed to get the garden winterized before the freeze. And we haven’t had the snow this year, so far, which has been helpful. Neither one of us should be shoveling at this stage of PT.

Went out last night to take some presents to our second local pub, which is running a Tree of Sharing for some kindergarten kids in a local youth center—kids asking for things like gloves and hats, mostly; so we tossed in some extras. They’ll take the gifts over today along with a free sack lunch, so I hope it will be a happy time for the kids.

And that’s pretty well where we’ve been, working. Yesterday was sis-Lynn’s birthday, so that was hard for Jane, but she doesn’t give way, just soldiers on through, and we take care of Tanner, which is a promise to Lynn we’ve kept; and so far so good. He’s graduated from the basement to a kennel-cage under one Christmas tree (we have 2 little ones near each other) and spends time out and about while the two others are napping in my room/office/pit…and the yowls of doom have subsided to a much calmer mew. ONe secret has been some kitty-calming stuff that is a treat, and because Tanner won’t eat those, we’ve resorted to pot. Yep. Hemp oil, actually, which is a little different, from a related plant; and after a couple of drops of that, Tanner gets restful sleep (a sleep-deprived cat who is already high strung is a cat in deep distress)—and a rested Tanner is much calmer, so ours are faced with a much quieter kitty, and WWIII seems to be easing. We just keep at it, and yesterday was a good day on that front.

Wishing all of you the best of holidays and goodies and prezzies and times, from Jane and me.