The pond is not now crystal clear—but it’s doing pretty well. It was gruesomely hot, about 94, down to 90 at 7pm. Rain is supposed to sock in for the next number of days, and moderate the temperature a bit.

Shu has stopped spitting at Sei. The vet-smell seems to be going away.

I’m trying to concentrate. When the weather gets hot, my brain goes away. But I’m making progress of an outlining sort.

Not too much news, except the coffee pot seems to be giving up the ghost. I priced out the Keurig system, but the k-cups are pricey and environmentally not-so-good, and the fill-your-own k-cups are being redesigned because of problems, and cost 11 dollars a shot. Now, this would be one thing if it made a whole pot of coffee, but I drink over 10 cups a day. The kind of coffee I favor (Starbuck’s House Blend) is 22.00 for a box of 24. That’s 24 cups of coffee for 22.00. Ouch. And filling 10 of these a day would be a pain. I hate having a coffee pot. Really hate it. I’ve used the Hamilton Beach Brewmaster, a pot-less tank-type for years, but they break or clog. I see that Cuisinart has put out its own tank-style brewer, and that is looking better and better. Cuisinart engineering is usually pretty darned good. Hopefully it won’t have the clogging problem that HB does. I mean, I cleaned that pot 5 days ago, as in using cleaner, which should have gotten any deposits, and it’s clogged again.

You do not want to deal with me when I am short of coffee. So this has to get fixed soon.