Haven’t got much decor up this year—and the pix thing is still bollixed, so it wouldn’t help anyway.

The church across the street is putting on a Trunk or Treat event in their parking lot tonight—we may stroll over and have a look. This is where you decorate your car trunk in a theme and bring your kid and candy to trade around (the candy, not the kid) in a collection of parents where the kids are under supervision. It’s fairly brilliant: parents get to do something with their kids, and kids get to do something with their parents, and everybody has to share candy and ideas.

We tried to see the Northern Lights, and should have been able to if they got to us, but somehow it didn’t work. I’ve seen them once, and if you’ve never seen them, it’s worth a trip to the Arctic Circle. Seriously. Waterfalls of colored light as big as mountain ranges.

Jane’s outside doing some end-of-season gardening, and I’m inside reading my own work, namely the most recent Foreigner book, so that I have it booted up to outline the next one while Jane takes the Alliance book in hand and does her run-through. Then we’ll trade again. With of course a lot of discussion, some of it at our favorite pub, where they keep a noise level that lets you converse and don’t mind long sits in a booth.

I’m headed to phys therapy this week—trying to do a bit to get more of ‘me’ back after the year of chemo. I’m stronger. But between the arthritis in the knee and gut muscles that had to heal—well, I need a tuneup. The ‘chicken shot’ in the knee is not perfect, but it’s still holding. So I don’t have that going on.

And I’m generally feeling good. So is Jane. We got her fish tank cleaned up and she has a desire for discus fish. Which are kind of fascinating. And not the easiest freshwater fish to deal with, but twenty years of saltwater reef experience gives us equipment a lot of discus beginners don’t have, and knowledge of water chemistry. So we’ll hope to do well. Meanwhile I’m nursing an anemone back to life—it resurfaced after 2 years of neglect of that tank, and I’m feeding it coral amino acids —poor thing had absorbed all its tentacles and now looks like a white mushroom with pink edges. It should be fist-sized and all-over pink with finger-long tentacles, about 30 of them. But being fed again, its zooxanthellae (zo-zan-THEL-ee) or color cells (which photosynthesize sugars for it) are beginning to multiply—it had only traces of color when it showed up, and now has color over most of the ring of little bumps that will become tentacles again. Once he starts photosynthesizing his food, he will grow again—and the way he feeds—what I give him goes to feed the zooxanthellae (amino acids are what they need) and some feeds him, too, but his life really depends on the sugars, which he can only get from the zooxanthellae. And once that’s all going again, both cylinders firing, as t’ were, he’ll perk up in a hurry.