The seal and cushion they installed started to ‘float’ within hours after I got home and began to come apart last night. On liquids-only. So today being the last day before the weekend I called the dentist for a lookover. Not right, they said, and revised it, working me in at a slack time this morning. Went with Jane for a cup of coffee and her breakfast, and the darned thing came completely loose. Return to the dentist, and this time they removed the seal and just added more stitches.

Turned out the mask-like redness I’d had on the bridge of my nose, the minor jaw pain, AND the rather painful eye dryness I’d suffered since going on the meds (antibiotic/steriod combo) that I had attributed to maybe the steroid—wasn’t. Those symptoms began clearing the hour they removed that seal. So I’m allergic. The product is called Barricade, lovely if you aren’t allergic to it..

Doing much better this afternoon. Three weeks and I get rid of the stitches…but at least I’m nearly over the steroids and antibiotics.