…we just pulled the pond pump (thanks to Jane!), coiled the hose, pulled the UV sterilizers, and fastened the heaters. Now we’re filling the pond back up to level before totally shutting down exterior water. That storm is looking extraordinarily nasty—polar low pressure with the force of a hurricane bearing down on Alaskan coast: heads up for Canada and the northern tier of US, clear across. BC and Alberta could catch it. WA is looking to be a lot chillier than the forecast, and the likelihood of getting over to see Jane’s brother next weekend does not look good.

It’s election day today: we got together our ballots, which has a batch of annoyingly complicated issues, which, imho, is why we’re a republic that is s’posed to have legislators capable of studying these things, adding the numbers, and reaching a sane conclusion. I fear for the outcome when voters have to parse 8 pages of explanation of toll roads and bridges and whether a bicycle is a transportation system, or a pedestrian counts, or whether you can use gas tax to fund a city bus… and which, what, and where would be affected…