We’ve been very bad since Jane’s birthday back in October. Now we have to get serious.


Breakfast: we split a hand-cut slice of toast, with butter and jam—you need something to go on.

Lunch: probably yoghurt;  maybe a Caesar salad, once a week a half a cup of soup.

Supper: Caesar salad with half a chicken breast diced and re-heated with olive oil, rolled in parmesan, no croutons, measured helping of salad dressing as per the bottle; sometimes chicken stir fry or half a cup of homemade steak stew with squash instead of potatoes.


That’ll be typical. The main object of the diet is to have very little grain, very little fat, very little meat, no processed starches or sugars; and keep to the federal guidelines (on the cans and bottles) for serving size of everything except green vegetables—of which you can have as much as you want. Wine, one glass per day.

The object is actually to lose weight, and lose it fairly expeditiously, so you feel better.  Then you can add back in the things you’ve cut, but keep the portion sizes down and pad it out with veggies, mostly green-leafy type: salad dressing has to be held to 1-2 tbs, measured, not eyeballed.