

This never fails. Brown rice, sweet rice, white rice, mixed rice, sticky rice—perfect. You can cook a week’s worth at one go, keep the extra in the fridge, and microwave what you need for the current dish, or an individual serving. Fill to appropriate water line, add rice by measure (included)  This is a cooker popular in Asia, Thailand to Japan, and there’s a reason. Spoon, cord, spoonholder all detach and store in the interior, and the little handle lets you lift it and put it away with no fuss at all. Load it, push cook, walk off and leave it. THere’s, I believe, also a timer.

I love this thing.

This, while I’m at it is my other kitchen machine:


Between these two, predictibly fresh bread and perfect rice of any type. That eliminates a lot of ‘surprise’ dinners as you have to cope with what didn’t work.