We lost our favorite and prettiest koi—the smallest—to a predator. I found a track I’m pretty sure was a raccoon in the mud from the drain near a break in the gate. We’re so upset. She was gorgeous, and ate from your hand. And the butterfly-fins are just a little less agile in the water. We have ample cover for them, and we lost no others, but I spent some time today repairing a sprung board in the gate: we’ve tried screws, glue, and all sorts of fixes, and it keeps coming loose: this time I got a metal-bit and got a bolt all the way through it, with a washer to hold the bolt head from working through. I also laced the area with a noxious mix of pepper oil powder and yes, coyote urine powder. And we’re filling in under the fence with gravel.

It’s nature. You can’t complain. But you can make the fences better and put up a ‘no visitors’ sign in raccoon-ish.