Disaster and disease and trips and computer screwups and eagles over the pond notwithstanding—we have covers, we have text, and soon we will have copyright and other details that go with it. I’ve been frustrated that I haven’t understood the new system—which has meant that the work of my books AND Jane’s has fallen on Jane— Well, we had a show-and-tell, and I now understand just enough of it to do the basics. So…look for something on the 24th, and, our faithful folk on our three sites, your patience will be rewarded. I feel so much better now that I can DO something, and take a bit of the load off Jane. She’s feeling so good she’s having a bit of off-topic fun with her site—and I’m feeling re-energized and happy with this new ability to tinker with text, and all’s right with the world. FenCon sent me back sick as a dog, but we had sooooooooooo much fun there and met such nice people—we’re really looking forward to our next foray into the southwest…

Anyway, two happy writers are making some real progress on just about everything, and life is good.