There’s always both regret and relief when a con is over—a delight to see friends I don’t see at any other time; but it’s tiring. Particularly tiring when the air conditioning isn’t up to snuff, and it’s August in Spokane: as chronicled frequently in recent posts, I don’t cope well with heat, especially with exertion, and climbing up and down 4 flights of stairs or trekking across the quadrangle to another building or out to the car (especially in the workout-sandals I wear) is work. I spent most of the time slightly sweaty and trying to find any venue with a breeze from a fan to help a bit. And while we had some good panels, the schedule had the good panels at 10 am when any fan with sense is off having breakfast somewhere after partying the previous night and sleeping until 9:30.

We’re going back on Atkins. I have had my sojourn with carbs, and right now I never want to see another piece of bread, candy, confection, cake, pie, potato, or tortilla. I am overloaded with carbs of every sort, I’m tired of that stuffed like a goose feeling, and right now, the only thing I want is meat, eggs, and cheese. I long for bacon. Sausage. Pork chops. Just enough carb to keep from crashing, and vitamin and mineral supplements to keep us in good order: Lord knows, I’ve got plenty to burn. We decided after our last diet gaffe we’ll just get back on even keel, have one fling with cream pies, desserts, cereal, and everything we’re not going to allow for a while, and then bring the carb level back down to what we find comfortable and sustainable. We’ll be getting periodic blood tests (with the thyroid meds) so we will keep track of our health, never fear. It’s just that if there’s one piece of luck in our relationship with food, it’s that we both do not do well on high carbs: we get really cranky and physically uncomfortable.

So farewell to parties and cookies. Farewell to the evening glass of wine. Just good behavior for the next number of weeks…and we’ll see how we do.