We are not going to make it by any decent hour tonight, and we don’t want to open Closed Circle for the west coast, Hawaii and Australia while the east coast and Europe is asleep. Tomorrow at 12 noon Sunday in Spokane will be 3pm in New York, 8pm in London, and 7am Monday in Sydney, late but not impossible in the Eastern Med and Middle East…I think. This seems to be the best time for us ALL to enjoy the opening as a global  event—how’s that for ambition? And no, I don’t expect our readers in Australia to be up at 7 am! Catch a few extra zz’s, definitely so if you’re in Perth, drop in for breakfast before heading for work, and by then maybe we’ll have ironed out any bugs.

We expect glitches. This enterprise has many, many moving parts and we have never pushed the Start button before. Be patient with us. We’ll be attentive to comments on our blogs, and we hope you will find it is worth the wait.