The poundage is loss of ‘wild weekend pounds’ and therefore not a real weight loss. One more to go and I’m back where I was Friday morning.

Having Thai chicken tonight: chicken bits with salt and pepper, then smothered in raw spinach, and dosed with House of Tsang Peanut Sauce, wonderful flavors. I cooked it last night, dismissing any concern about Jane’s absolute detestation of cooked spinach, because she always has a bit of mine when we go out to the Thai restaurant, and the taste is the same. She was dubious at the first bite, then today, when I went to the store, asked for a repeat tonight of the same recipe. 😉 I can oblige: dead easy to fix, and serves as many as you have spinach for…MUST start as raw spinach, no frozen stuff.

I bought myself a new purse. The other one had gone all the way to looking, well, disreputable doesn’t cover it. But I’m very fussy. It has to have 3 or more outside pockets, shoulder strap, interior divisions, be able to hold a cellphone and camera, and have some security against an accidental spill. You could hand me a 12,000.00 Vuitton bag and I’d sniff and pass it up for one from Freddy Myers if the pricey one didn’t meet my conditions, and if I had the spendy bag, I’d treat it just the way I treat my succession of other sad bags. Trade purses until the current one dies or begins to resemble road kill? No way! But I’ve been looking for 3 years now, and finally found one that meets my criteria…looking like something I’d carry is at the bottom of the stack: it’s faux grey crocodile, which I refer to as neo T-Rex. Looks pretty spiff, and let’s hope it absorbs scuffs well, because I do hang it from chairs, set it on the floor and kick it under the table.

And the snow is coming down: we’re forecast to have our January this month, so we may need green woolies for St. Paddy’s Day!