More later on what title and where, but it’s the Sacred Band item, and she wanted Ischade to do a walk-on, and wanted me to write it. So…I’m taking a bit of a busman’s holiday and going for a drive in that universe.

Ischade (pronounced ee-ShAHd) [short a]—is the morals enforcement division in Sanctuary. Or as a filksong has it: “It’s Ischade who keeps the streets all clean. She walks them every night…”

We’re under snow again today, about half a foot. It’ll all melt tonight, as we continue this striped weather pattern. People in lowlying areas of Washington on the Columbia drainage, heads-up. Fortunately the snowpack is staying unmelted in the mountains.

Right now the horizon toward Mt. Spokane is gorgeous. It’s rare that you see the mountains all snowcapped, usually just Mt Spokane, which is the only one to rise at all above the tree line, but right now all the peaks have snow halfway down their flanks, thick enough even the tree cover doesn’t show much.