The leg’s acting up a bit more. And there was a lot of walking. I actually used the cane most of the time.

Did a panel on terraforming with Jim Glass. We did a lot of discussion on terraforming Mars, Venus, Europa…discussed, say, moving Europa into Mars orbit and creating a dumbbell paired-planet orbit which might do a bit of warming on Mars’ core, but wouldn’t necessarily melt Europa into water-loss… Or maybe crashing one of the ice-moons into Venus. Or cleaning up its greenhouse effect.

Interesting hour, as was.

The rest of the day was a bit more work: panels on blogging and e-pubbing, and just wandering the halls. They didn’t schedule Jane and me where we had the same hours off, so we couldn’t hang out together, OSG’s off to worldcon and Patty’s scheduled up to her eyeballs, no surprise. Hung out in the green room a bit. Real nice fare there. Which is not a bad thing, because food at this hotel is through the roof. Don’t even talk about the hotel bar. One of the real drawbacks to the Doubletree: pricey food and drink, and the bar food is not that great. The restaurants across the street would be a better choice, but Jane hates Azteca and Chili’s takes an hour to produce a sandwich, and neither of us had a schedule that matched well enough to go across for actual food, so we just noshed in the green room until supper.

We stayed for Dragon Dronet’s movie costuming and sfx panel, then headed home, late and tired, a bit sore, but not bad.

We’ve got one last panel left, on writing. I’m not inspired. I almost sat in on the string theory panel with Jim—they scheduled Jane for that AND for her reading at the same time—but it was way crowded, and esoteric math is not my strong suite. It was so crowded I decided to head for the green room.

So we’ll see, today. I get so tired of writing panels. Always the same stuff, endlessly repeated. What can you say? Don’t pay people to publish your book, learn to paragraph and punctuate: that’s how you make it readable; don’t expect your editor to fix your prose; and don’t trust an agent who tracks you down to ask you to hire him. The Pacific NW has endless writing panels. I swear I may start telling cons I’ll do one, only one, per con.