I am FINALLY through the big difficult scene in the current book, the one that has had me hung up for a month. I must have ten versions of that transition. I like the one I have now.

We had rain twice yesterday, tropic-type rain, not misty, easy Pacific Northwest rain.

But we are getting along.

I’m starting a new Guild Wars character—I’m vastly amused to hear he looks like Hiddleston as Loki. I may not be able to change his clothes for quite a while. He does, with that outfit, and it’s funny.

My eyes are resisting these over-the-counter glasses and they’re giving me headaches every evening. I’ve GOT to make an appointment early next week to get back to the optometrist. Someone remind me, come Monday! I keep forgetting.

Meanwhile the new sandals are splendid. From gimping around hurting all the time, and losing a lot of leg muscle I’d built up skating, I’m not hurting, I’m recovering muscle tone, and yesterday evening I thoughtlessly got up out of the recliner I use in the evenings with both hands full, not using the chair arms at all and with only a little twinge of leg pain. This is epic.

I got a pair of street shoes (blue leather loafers) by the same people, and look forward to winter being able to have actual shoes that don’t hurt.

I also am not as likely to take a fall as I have been. I swear, such a tiny change, and so much difference in my whole bodily balance and equilibrium, and the proper leverage for basic movement.