Update on the Facebook site: the Three Of Us of Closed Circle would be very grateful if all of you who do have Facebook accounts would make a brief sortie up to Facebook, do a search for Closed Circle (you’ll know the logo)—which is at the moment waaaay down the list of things that come up under that name and quickly “like” it. A mass of you could do a lot for our prominence in the Facebook engine, and a lot of “likes” and even some suggestions to friends could help us out. If you want to visit our Discussion page and leave some felicitous statements on Closed Circle’s new Facebook-page, that would be nice, too. We are shamelessly dedicated to selling books, and we are about to greet our first autumn-season of operation with a modest flurry of offerings, so right now is a very opportune time. No few of the users of Facebook just don’t come to the blogs, so this is one more way we can reach people.