We stayed home and had pizza and Russian teacakes, plus Lynn’s really excellent fruitcake. 😉

In the craziness of it all, and being conservative this year, we bought our Christmas at Lowe’s on Black Friday, after Thanksgiving—and we were really worried that we had lost one of our two gifts (a saw) to pilferage—I mean, we do live on a major street, and it could happen—

But didn’t, as it turned out. Jane remembered that they’d sold out of one item we wanted and they were kind enough to let us have it, to be delivered after the holidays once they had a new shipment. So we bought it—we just didn’t have it in house. Or in the garage.

So no pilferage, just forgetful people. We wrapped the things anyway so we’d have nice things under the tree; and then Jane sneaked a good one in on me: she got me a medicine cabinet. Our bathroom (one) has been a case of stuff all over the countertop and jockeying for the mirror when we’re trying to get ready to go somewhere and get our makeup on—two women, one countertop, one storage. You may imagine. So as soon as we get it up, I get my own cabinet and mirror, Jane gets a matching cabinet: they’re mirrored, and snug up against each other to make one long mirror, and we get the junk off the counter. One thing we’re doing this week is hang those cabinets, which necessitates removing the top row of the splash guard tiles.

I got Jane a doorbell—ours had broken.

And I got her a video game—Skyrim, the follower to Oblivion. It has the worst-ever computer control interface (Oblivion had a good one, and of course they changed it), but the user mods are already starting to roll in, so it’s going to work. And we are taking one week off to rest, hang cabinets, install the doorbell, and play video games.