
As in—I have to refrain from aspirin and blood thinners for the next 7 days because of a routine medical test…

As in—all painkillers but Tylenol are in this category.

As in—no amount of Tylenol works at all for me, except to give me an uncomfortable throat—I think I may be allergic to it.

As in—remember that knee I’m recovering from? Thank you, Paula, for the topical ointment…

I’ll be real glad when this is all done and the knee is better.

Meanwhile, I limped downstairs a couple of days ago to adjust some not-working equipment for the tank. This caused the autotopoff to pour fresh water into the system. We have some not-happy critters.

This means I have to trek up and down stairs adjusting the salinity back up where it belongs. Then we have to lift the heavy lid off so one of us can reach in and adjust the very unhappy several-hundred-year-old clam who pitched himself off his ledge and onto the sand where he could be in danger and get trapped….

Ow. Ow. Ow. I need to test the salinity and do the adjusting, and Jane will help me with the lid and the clam.

I want my knee to be all better. Now.

It’s way better than it was, but I have to watch it and walk only on the flat—we walked uphill to visit Joan, and that’s what caused this little setback.