I’m outlining both the new Bren book and the second Alliance Rising book, after story-conferencing with Jane on the trip. Jane is finishing up the kitchen painting and a little wall-repair where we had some electrical revisions. I’ve cleaned the pond filters and gotten the main tank pump running (it had stopped). And over all, we just sat last night and stared at Project Runway reruns on the telly. We are that tired. The pond is clear as glass…that’s working. I haven’t attacked the leeches yet. That’s on the agenda. I’ve ordered more probiotic for the cats, another automatic topoff (for evaporation) for the main tank (it broke), and I’ve got an appointment to get the car checked and am seeking one to get the new tree planted as soon as the responsible person gets there on Monday. We are both tired from travel, and trying to get life back on even keel.

The two new kitties are getting friendlier. Which is an improvement over hiding and hissing. And we are starting to try to pick up the house and clean the floors after all the kitchen construction. Which started in September. I have cooked on temporary countertop, on moving ranges, and had the fridge likewise uncertain in location. I have wiped off construction dust to be able to cook. I have coped with no cabinets, and cabinets with no doors. We have finally almost achieved kitchen. With backsplash! And we are going to try to clean up the basement and bring order down there. My one rule is, the kitchen will not be the stopping place for basement chaos! To the garage with it!

Pix will happen when we have cleanliness, no dust, and order.