THE ARTICLE, with photos

Talk about a guy who probably deserves rehabilitation in history: John III Comyn, Guardian of Scotland, son of John II Comyn, who held the same office, and Robert Brus succeeded William Wallace [who had that office for one year] after the Battle of Falkirk, which Wallace lost…and Robert ended up killing John in front of the altar of the church at Dumfries—some distance removed from this area (Kinross, outside Perth) —so John could have lost this ornament at some time prior to his murder.

The Scottish chroniclers of this period were pro-Bruce and anti-Comyn, and slanted their account, even putting people in scenes where they were not present.

Wiki the names: John II Comyn; John III Comyn; Robert the Bruce; William Wallace; Edward II; Guardians of Scotland.

I’m not as well-informed on this as I should be: I know most of what I know about this era via geneological research. But every time I hear one good thing about Robert the Bruce (Robert Brus) I then hear two negatives. My impression of him is self-interest above all else.