7:15 am, and we’re up and writing when the phone rings, and lo! OSG has been ousted from the building where she works due to ‘smoke in the premises.’

She asked if she could come sleep on the couch. Yep. She drove over (rather than drive back to her own town, another 20 miles) and collapsed on the couch with coverlet and pillow. Her office, meanwhile, had made the local news: turned out to be no more than a couple of batteries in the, yes, security and fire detection system that had burned up. Nice. At least it reported them, I take it.

So we had breakfast, OSG slept, and managed to lose yet one more earring—she must have lost half a dozen on our premises, and we never find them! Gotta figure it’s tunneling electrons sending them to Sirius.

Ice was great today: I managed finally to smooth out my 3-turns, which had suffered greatly from the wobblies, and got them to be silky-easy again, thank goodness, while Jane, that precocious rascal, managed her mohawk (forward foot to backward foot hop-let that looks really neat, like one of those click-ball desk toys) which I can’t do; and her inside 3-turn off the wall, at least a bit, which I can’t do either. I’m going to have to get to work.

Back again and trying to get back to work when I get an enigmatic message from my domain registry, which meant I had to check that out and do a password change just to be sure. And all in all, it’s been one of those days, which came down to an entire cannister of Salmon Fish Spice showering all over the kitchen. Sometimes it just seems to be an odd day.