We drove down for Radcon—were in cellphone communication with OSG, headed in the same direction. I read the front end of the new Bren book to Jane on the way down, and was happy it sounded good.

Radcon was, as I understand, a little less organized than usual…which is usally very good; but once you began to understand it was informal and just ‘winged it’ on the panels, it began to work. Jane and I weren’t on any panels together: we usually like at least one.

But Larry Niven was the goh—we know each other from way back, and though we didn’t get any panels together (we do a good show) we did have a good time hanging out in the intervals. The green room was good: that helped the food budget. So we’re going to be return guests at Radcon. We’ve wanted to go for the 10 years we’ve been up here, and we finally made it.

Our next trip will be Condor in another week or so, this time with the cats.