…and my brother has finally gotten moved into his new house…hurrah!…all of which were simultaneous: the fish book was to keep me from climbing the walls, something I know awake or asleep, and sans crisis—

Back to the novel outlne. I fortunately have approached this one with an outline, 10,071 words, so far—so that I know exactly where I am, it’s easy to review, and I’m right back into the swing of it. I don’t outline everything, but I do when life is apt to go crazy.

I’m delighted to say, this one should be fun.
And that because of the outline, I’ll know exactly where I’m going, since the next upcoming distraction is that annual American self-torture ritual, which is not, however, the Ides of April: April is a month in which the ides fall on the 13th day, which atevi consider lucky.

Not so most of my countrymen…

But—things are getting less complex. We’ve got a kind of routine. Jane and I will get to it RSN. Around April Fools’, we ritually sit together in the office and periodically have a meltdown trying to find things, which lasts about 3 days, or until we mail the bundle off to our longsuffering accountant and ask him to ask for the ritual extension…