Lucky us. Apparently as we slid in the basket with a knife in it, a blade slashed the gasket—only thing we can figure, since only we have ever used it or had access to it. Apparently it leaks slightly on the right side, but runs down the ell in the door bottom to finally drip out on the left side…

And we did so much dish-washing with Christmas cooking, we had a leaky dishwasher door, the leaky dishwasher connection involving the garbage disposal, the leaky sink drain involved with the same connection, and a leaking pet watering bowl. It’s a wonder we didn’t flood the house.

We have now met with a workman who will install the tile and do our counter and build a little sofit to stand the lights off above the mirror.We are going to buy the tile ourselves and let this guy do it—which saves a little over what the shop would have charged.

Jane has spent the day in the attic installing a ventilation fan: I have spent the day in the bathroom handing her things through the ceiling.

Did I mention our lovely insurance won’t handle the kitchen floor situation without a 25% increase for 3 years in our insurance cost? So we have a screwed-up kitchen floor. They say it can take a week or so to really dry, so maybe it will flatten some more.  The kitchen floor is going to have to wait. We’ll do that installation ourselves, and that’s behind our other problems.

And the dishwasher screwed up the washing of the last load and didn’t drain properly, so we now have to wonder if there’s another problem…