So glad to have you aboard!

Snow last night, freezing rain this morning, rain this afternoon, and snow this evening.

We’re going out to the gym, and we’re running out of taquitos, our currently chosen lunch. So a stop at Safeway on the way back.

It was my turn to take out the garbage this morning, and the familiarity with moving on the ice was useful, right where the sidewalk goes down to the street in 4 icy slanting steps. I used the big rolling can for stability, but when it suddenly overbalanced and pitched forward, I had a momentary fear I was going arse over teakettle with the monster rolling bin, on the ice: I applied reverse shift of balance, found a center of gravity and got it righted, to roll tamely down. I’m real glad I opted to wear the snow boots for that job: from LL Bean, with real good tread.

OTOH, writing’s going again, and I’m feeling good.

Jane’s located her Christmas gift from me and her sis, the Pukisha, winging its way from Korea, and Pukisha should be here next week.
I also committed coat: I’ve been wearing a scruffy old one that the lining is coming out of, where it isn’t positively worn through in patches, and I finally bit the bullet and ordered a nice-looking winter jacket, which, if it doesn’t fit, I can send back. It should be here Tuesday.