I’ve got Defiance (Bren # 23?) in…Jane and I both.
We’ve got Alliance Unbound turned in.
Jane and I are now engaged on separate books—she’s working on the next Alliance start—I’m working with Bren—and we’ll switch at a certain stage and exchange projects.
I’ve been a little slow this round. Both legs now function, thank you, so that I’m able to help Jane, who’s been carrying the burden of all the household work and the garden, and I’ve taken a little time away from the keyboard to try to even up favor-points and help do things.

The dedication in Alliance Unbound explains a bit of what’s gone on…Jane’s brother passed away unexpectedly, and we had to go to Seattle area: Jane was appointed executor, and that is a huge undertaking.
It also meant multiple trips over the Cascades to attend to house repair and sale, all of which we had to do—and one trip over the pass in a snowstorm about 8 hours ahead of a pass-closing 13-car pileup with fatality… Snoqualmie is not a pass to trifle with in weather: it’s easy and comfy in good weather and daylight, but it is at altitude, and the Cascades are a weathermaker for fronts incoming off the Pacific.

We’re still working on some issues. And one of our computers went brickified with all the business and tax records: recovery failed. That’s a mess.

And the surgeries.

So I’ve been away from the keyboard longer than I have been in decades. But I’m working again and the brain is recovered from chemo fog and anaesthetics—which are very foggy. It’s taken a bit. The house, of course, went thoroughly chaotic, a mess we’re straightening up. I’m breaking down the saltwater tank as something I can’t maintain with all this going on—but there’s still the koi pond—

Which got hit by the same winter storm that imperilled us on the road. And because of the emergency nature of it all—I couldn’t winter-prep the pond sufficiently. Cold caught us, a cold that killed old trees all over town, and broke records. We lost all the koi. The pond was a disaster area. That had to be fixed—we now have all baby koi.

So it’s been a bit rough…but we are paddling like mad now, if you recall the joke about the calm duck above the surface….

We’re taking enough time to straighten things out on the home front—get the pond fixed, get the place weeded, the accumlation of cardboard boxes during Covid qt broken down and out, things that broke fixed, and in general, get ourselves re-organized. Get the taxes in. Get ahead of the craziness.

And get some books written.