…as Facebook attempts to play the same shell game with Wall Street as it does with its customers. I think this is very well stated.
Facebook shell game not the best idea

Here’s a more technical link, but it has information for laymen as well: reasons for Facebook’s market decline

And this is the ‘product’ which Facebook is currently hyping to Wall Street as a way to wring more money from its advertisers: if you read between the lines, it’s encouraging friends to send ‘sponsored stories’ to each other…somewhat like me quoting the articles above, but these would, one suspects, be Revlon articles touting some new lipstick or Ford’s with some new automobile.

And imho, this is why people don’t trust Facebook: it’s gimmick-du-jour, all of them with as many angles as a carnie pitchman, and all of them using people’s relationships with each other.

In this one, apparently companies are approached, probably via their pages, to be sure their ‘shared’ ‘stories’ get prime placement in people’s newsfeeds, ie, these articles are ‘special,’ in ways Facebook will end up revealing to companies, but apparently not to ordinary users. It’s simultaneously forcing Timeline on all users, promo’ing ‘sponsored articles’ to its shareholders as a big moneymaker, while ‘investigating’ claims of false clicks on its smallest business accounts, the little hundred dollar ads on the sidebars.

Here’s what they say about ‘sponsored stories.’

” What are Sponsored Stories?
Sponsored Stories are posts from your friends or Pages on Facebook that a business, organization or individual has paid to highlight so there’s a better chance you’ll see them. [My note: read: they’ll be stuck ahead of your grandmother’s post to you in your incoming post, the way certain merchants pay to have their products on eye-level shelves at the grocery.] They are regular stories that a friend or Page you’re connected to has shared with you. “