Jane, here. Have a dilemma, a time limit, and no brain.

We’ve been having problems with our modem. I have to take it apart, blow on the contacts and reset it every few days. We got a notice from Comcast that our modem was outdated. I ordered the replacement and it arrived, and…guess what? It’s a modem/router combo. A 2.4GH router. I already have a really good Linksys dual router.

Has anyone out there used this comcast combo? Is it any good? Is there any reason I couldn’t simply use it as a modem and plug it into my old router?

Some advice w/b really welcome. CJC has passed her crud on to me and feel like doggie doodoo right now and not up to lots of research and/or trial and error.

I’ll call comcast if I must, but I had a hard enough time getting it through to them the last time that we already HAD voice and they didn’t need to send someone out (for $$) to put it in.