This is where the determined get going and start taking that weight off.

We’re prepared. I have half a salmon in the fridge.

We have blueberries.

We’re going on the ‘grizzly bear diet’. We always lose weight fast on that: big serving of salmon, nice serving of green veggies, blueberry dessert with a little low-carb ice cream. Oddly enough it doesn’t to give the bears a great figure. but we lose on it.

Particularly we try not to ignore temporary weight gain after an Indulgence. We weigh, find out our problem, and do something Else for meals until we’ve shed whatever we gained. This is HOW we don’t regain the weight we lose.

Wuz fun, though!

The somewhat sad thing is that I’m losing my taste for chocolate. It often upsets my stomach and doesn’t taste all that good, even the better chocolate.

WE ended up with the strawberries because we toured Costco the day before Valentine’s. They were good quality. But we went through beset with offers of chocolate on every hand.

The last poor soul assigned to hand out goodies had—wait for it—sections of sardines.

No. We didn’t think so, either.