Rain is possible, about 30% change of four or five drops, on average. The temperature is headed for 97 and will stay there for a number of days, including this weekend, which is Spokon, so attendees will be baked. Fortunately the venue is dependably air conditioned.

We are slowly winning the algae battle. We are taking advantage of the clouds to do a little weeding. And somebody, probably kids, stole four of our lights out front, probably to use as flashlights. If we have to put a spooklight or the Scarecrow sprinkler out there I’ll be greatly annoyed.

Jane, meanwhile, has gotten annoyed with the forsythia and cut it way back—I’ve always wanted one, but this one doesn’t bloom, doesn’t get nearly enough water to do anything, and is getting taller than the car. Now it’s knee-high. I wish it were what it could be, but it’ll be a while before we put a French drain across that drive and put water over there.