Old hat to some of our group, but as we grow more reliant on computers, something to think about.


I’ve been spending my evenings trying to straighten out 20 years of backup files—from two people who are pretty careful about backing up. I couldn’t transfer into the dos system the things I created on the typewriter (Gate of Ivrel, Hunter of Worlds, Brothers of Earth, not even Downbelow Station and Merchanter’s Luck, which were on a cellwriter)..not the things I wrote on an Atari—but absolutely everything after that. I have, for instance, the folders invadera, invaderb, invaderc, and so on down the whole alphabet, full of files that need sorting and comparing. Quel job! Fortunately I found a good software, and I have a good bent for library work, so it’s going pretty rapidly. The fact we have more than 20 whole-disk backups in addition to these—is going to be brain-fryingly difficult to keep straight, but we’re getting there. If you have a similar mess in your own computer files, there’s a nice program called easyduplicatefinder that is friendly, fast, and accurate.  Using it on a terabyte drive makes the whole task a little less crazy: we loaded ALL our backup disks onto the terabyte drive, and this program is capable of finding duplicates even in endless sub-sub-subdirectories. FYI.