Our old telly was of a vintage that just wasn’t coping well with the changes in broadcasting…so…back before Jane got sick, and in a kind of a Christmas moment, we had gotten a modern system, a nice modern system that has some wireless built in, so it links the cable input with things that communicate wirelessly. The center of this wizardry is a nice [but slow] LG blu-ray player, which serves as a kind of hub. It’s all tapped into our antique [electronically speaking] household network router, so for whatever it’s worth, the entertainment DVD knows our laptops exist and can display what they display.

As a wireless ‘hub’ connected to the telly, it receives network ‘streaming’, which we like a lot: Netflix in this mode suits us fine. We’re phasing out the old DVD du jour service—in favor of as many of these as we want per night—a lot of anime and old movies. The device will actually play our digital home movies of Eushu and Sei off our computers. Not perfectly, but really, I’m amazed.

This LG unit behaves like a computer. And updates itself. Often. And just occasionally, well, there’s an update that doesn’t play nicely. Remember our antique router? Last night one decided to reach out and touch Jane’s computer in some mysterious way, since she was linked to it at the time of upgrade. We’re not real sure what happened, but for a while her computer itself was totally iffy, and would not answer to System Restore. We think we’ve gotten it ironed out now. It was a sweaty moment. So the brave new world of entertainment still has some bugs in it. We are finally going for a newer (N class) router in hopes it will answer the household internet slowdown and the mysterious LG glitch, and various other manifestations.

Computers. They’re everywhere. In your microwave. Now in your entertainment system. And they talk to each other. I’m beginning to eye that LG unit with some suspicion, as in, I’d like to know what it’s planning.