Before we took our trip I first installed a new chopped-foam bag for the filter in the pond, then took it out. This loosed a massive amount of crud into the pond. We got through the 2 week absence pretty well, but the weather has been iffy, a lot of rain, and now we’re getting some murkiness, which I’m fighting.

The marine tank is an absolute mess. We’re seeing some dieback in the corals, and I’m going to do a massive 50% water change. I’d be happier about this if I didn’t have some fears that our reverse osmosis filter is expired, which could put some nasty water in. But I’m also suspecting our magnesium, calcium and worse, alkalinity tests are expired. I got new ones, but they are a bear to do, and I’ve ordered the brand I can do in my sleep. I’m not liking the results: the ones I think are expired, are agreeing with the corals: the alkalinity is massively ‘off.’ The ones I just bought that should be good, are telling me everythings’ fine, which it isn’t.

I am just having more watery fun than I can stand.

Meanwhile Jane is nearly through with her edit, and we plan to get our lives back just as soon as we get these books up on CC!