May you have fair, or at least interesting, skies—enough to eat and a warm spot in your heart.

Here, we have snow melt and only rain, which means no shoveling (we’ve had so much rain if the early cold had persisted, we’d have had five feet of snow)—and no berm from a snow plow, more to the point. Our place has catch-22, meaning we have a marvelously clear main road, but up to a 2′ berm overnight from the plow,which passes 3-4 times every 12 hours, and seals our 20 foot of driveway from that nice clear road: and you can’t push a snowblower through a berm: plowed snow compacts to ice pdq. 😉

But right now, not a speck of snow or ice, and a nice Turkey day. (The church up the way has a sign saying “God loves even the biggest turkeys…”)

For the traditional dinner, we’ve opted for pepperoni pizza, mine.

And the soup turned out so well, I’ll write down the recipe.

I used sirloin for the meat, which worked out to have that really good beef flavor it’s known for throughout the soup, and to be really low-fat.

Saute and brown in skillet: thin strips of beef, 1 lb, with: teaspoon and a bit more of black pepper, 1/2 tsp paprika, teaspoon of chipotle chili flakes, teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of dried basil, with a tablespoon of olive oil. When done, pour all contents of pan into crockpot or stew pot.

Add: can of black beans; can of coarse-diced tomatoes; half a bunch of celery, sliced: I just bisected the bunch and used the top end of it—which includes the high-flavor celery heart and finer leaves; quite a lot of raw baby carrots; enough water. Cook forever. Reheats nicely. Has practically no fat. Lots of meat.

You’ll note no onions or garlic: we’re allergic to same; no thickener; it come out very savory, and the beans add a little substance; could be served over rice or noodles for supper. Also possibilities: cornbread; or toast.