Startup is always a pita, and more so than usual this odd year, with cold weather—and my local store deciding to stock chlorine remover instead of a remover for both chlorine and chloramine, my feed store people complete clueless as to what chloramine is, or does, (it’s a stable, ie, hard to remove, form of chlorine) and stocks it in 14.00 bottles of a pint. A pint!, 1 teaspoon treating 100 gallons. I have a 5000 gallon pond that I need to do so major work on!

So until my Amazon order gets here, I’m just going out every two hours and washing out the filters. When I can actually run the pond vacuum, I can help this a lot—but until then—every 2 hours. At night I just leave the filter canted up a bit to let water enough get through to keep it from clogging off the water flow and overheating the pump.

Scuze me—I have to go out there and hose out the filter again!