Well, not quite, but it quit and then got very hot. I use a Dell. If you recall the viral internet pic of the Japanese businesssman recoiling in horror from a burning computer, you may remember that Dell and several other computers were getting batteries from, I think, Sony; and there was a little thing called The Battery Recall.

Well, it didn’t catch fire, but it could have. I’m glad Jane noticed how hot it had gotten, or we might have had a fire.

We had breakfast on the patio this morning, but a check of the water temperature showed 50 degrees, so we have officially stopped feeding the koi. Their systems shut down at 52, and while, in the sunshine, they are up and moving about and picking at the pond algae, that’s their choice, and it’s not going to give them the gastric problems of tummies packed with food. They are heading for hibernation. Sigh. They eat out of our hands, now. They’re such little pigs. But we’ve got to let them eat just the pond algae for a while.

We hope to leave the filter running through leaf-fall, and get all the leaves out via the skimmer, before we shut down the waterfall and pull the pump for the season. At that point we’ll install the heaters, which will switch on any time the water heads for 32 degrees, and keep a circle of water exposed to the air, open to release the co2.

They probably won’t really eat again until April.

Let’s see…what else? I got my glasses ordered. I’m getting two pair, one to help my visual acuity when I am wearing my monofit contact, and one for without. Ordering them from Costco, they’re not that expensive: nice but plain frames: I don’t wear them in public much, mostly when I’m working; and if they get dinged up,  (I’m murder on frames) I won’t let them get as dinged-up as the last pair, which had sprung badly and was no longer straight. It was a question when one or both earpieces would actually fall off.

It says something that I actually ordered the glasses and the old ones have still not shown up. They are sincerely lost.

OSG dropped by and we went to Swinging Door last night. I didn’t have to cook. 😉 But today I thought I’d buy some deli ham, and went to Safeway. Safeway has lost their mind. I got the last ham at Freddy Myers for 1.91 a pound, admittedly on sale; and very nice sliced roast for 5-something. Safeway was charging 7.98 a pound for deli ham. I bought two ready-made sandwiches and came home. This was a mistake. Jane and I ate the sandwiches and now don’t feel so good. They were Wonder Bread sandwiches, and we’re not used to that kind of bread, I think. Ugh.

At any rate, Safeway is off my list of places to shop: their 10 cents a gallon off gas gets used up fast at that rate. I think I’ll drive the extra mile to Rosauers, or 3 miles over to Freddy Myers, if it comes to that. The only thing I’ll still buy at Safeway is bread—not the Wonder Bread sort: the very nice Artisan Bread they’re willing to sell half-baked and frozen like a brick. Pop that into a 420 oven for 20 minutes and it is to die for.

Well, we had better lay in a supply of mulch ASAP. The promised rain has not arrived, but it’s nippy out there, and we’re going to need to cover those new plantings and mulch the roses. We’ve also got a pair of young tree peonies that need coddling. The moonflower may not bloom before the first frost, though it’s trying: the morning glory on the other side of the gate has been blooming its head off, and the two vines have almost met atop the arch.

I have ordered a new power unit. Pity: the one that ‘sploded was the one that isn’t done up in electrical tape from having its cord caught in the recliner mechanism. It was the pristine one.