…jigsaw puzzles. Online jigsaw puzzles and codebreaking is my downfall…

A pretty routine day, just more to do than any 6 people can do.

Plus Jane has launched us on a housecleaning kick: a room a day. I fear I didn’t do a whole room—I’ve been tackling the bathroom, which has been a jumble of bottles. Tons of bottles. Even two women cannot use that number of bottles in a day.

There’s a front coming in. Jane decided to run the ro/di filter at 3 am, having a headache, and being unable to sleep. I had a bit of a headache myself, but I attribute it to the front.

So far I have been cooking in an immaculate kitchen, and spending half my cooking time trying to keep it that way. Jane’s gotten her room spiff. Now I am going to have to follow suit with mine. Sigh. I think I am going to shift furniture. That takes resolution.