…and still are not done.

When you use your computer as Jane does, to go out and visit some sites that offer what could be real nice stuff useful in re-making the website—or could be a come-on for nefarious purposes—you have to go in protected; but this one got past Avast. We are currently using another program to go after it—and Avast fought us loading that seek-and-destroy-the-malware program tooth and nail. At one point Jane couldn’t get on her computer; at another, she was there, on our aux computer, but it locked—and when you’re dealing with somebody as absolutely exhausted as we are after the great copyediting foulup—we are ready to explode. The poor cats were aware of the tension, so they were exploring every attention-getting ploy they had, including walking on the keyboard of the computer we had finally gotten to run the scan—and turning it off, after 2 hours of scanning. (“Buts, ma,–Ize pertikular-ly gud at findin’ bugs. I huntz ’em reel gud. I wuz lookin’ for it…I’da et it 4 u if Id’ found it…”)