It's improving…I think…slowly…

Last night was the pits. I’ve had bursitis and broken bones, and I would say the pain level on this one is about that of the broken arm. Kinda gets to you. Last night I opened the spice cabinet, got caught in a cascade of bottles, stepped back, and yes, that...

It’s improving…I think…slowly…

Last night was the pits. I’ve had bursitis and broken bones, and I would say the pain level on this one is about that of the broken arm. Kinda gets to you. Last night I opened the spice cabinet, got caught in a cascade of bottles, stepped back, and yes, that...

1127 e-mails in the box…

I tell you, painkillers for a few days and the mail just keeps coming. I think I have it all handled. Disappointed this morning that the knee’s still touchy. Had to start the day with Advil, and I don’t like to write when I have anything in my system....

Went to the doc and the news is better than feared…

What I managed to do is aggravate the knee mightily…first annoyed it in one direction, in a mistep, then the other, in a subsequent near fall two days later, and x-rays are duly taken and made clear. Probably a good thing I got rid of the old Reebok sandals that...

Shejicon I hope was a success: wish everybody a safe trip…

Had a quiet good time. Thank you for the wonderful gift. I know many contributed who weren’t able to be there. I’m so happy to have it. It’s going to have a place of honor in ultimate arranging. And thank you all, those who could attend and those who...

Took Seishi back to the vet.

Diagnosis: tonsilitis. Why, except it’s allergy season, I have no idea. But I could tell the point at which he starts to gag on kibble is pretty well the point at which the food reaches the back of his jaw. So they x-rayed him for stray string or sewing...