Watching an analysis of the Mary Celeste mystery…

This is the one where a laden two-masted ship turns up floating intact with belongings of captain, wife, and crew left aboard and everybody missing: cargo of alcohol, 9 barrels drained (red oak barrels drained; white oak held intact) and one of two bilge pumps...

Rosetta has caught us a comet!

Well, at least photos of one closeup. Let’s hear it for good navigation…time was we were just puzzling out how to rendezvous with the moon and get back. Now we play tag with comets.

Continued hot, but we have AC. :)

I am FINALLY through the big difficult scene in the current book, the one that has had me hung up for a month. I must have ten versions of that transition. I like the one I have now. We had rain twice yesterday, tropic-type rain, not misty, easy Pacific Northwest...

We had a cool night—

Went out to eat last night just after the ac was fixed—to let the place cool down. Swinging Door has a nice addition to the menu: monster baseball hot dogs, and the Mariner Dog is a chili dog, which is very good. It was real good to wake to cold air this...

The AC went out. :(

Woke up this morning, and the thermostat was saying 78, the outdoor compressor installation was hot and its fan wasn’t going; the vents were blowing warm air… And it’s a Friday. And it’s August. Temperature forecast for today, 98 degrees, much...