Burgess Shale bed: new find

New Burgess Shale site not far from the other…and they have better preservation on some specimens. The people who deal with this Cambrian site are excited. What is the Burgess Shale?

Oh, me, we 'ave sinned…

We met Joan, had a bottle of wine, they were handing out free pizza slices, and we had a cup of the deadly tomato-basil soup with the even deadlier garlic bread. We had a good time. They’ve really revised Tomato Street—enlarged the dining area, but they...

Oh, me, we ‘ave sinned…

We met Joan, had a bottle of wine, they were handing out free pizza slices, and we had a cup of the deadly tomato-basil soup with the even deadlier garlic bread. We had a good time. They’ve really revised Tomato Street—enlarged the dining area, but they...