Working but not fast enough. I’m trying a new software.

So go ahead if you want to try to register. If you get stopped or get a snarky message, you hit the software. If this happens, e-mail me as and I’ll get you through manually. This particular software can get too aggressive and has a lot of checks...

if you want to register for this blog…

e-mail me personally at and tell me your preferred user name; I’ll sign you on myself and e-mail you a temporary password. The press of spambots trying to register is too great, over 10 an hour—I’m deleting all registrations via the...

Finally back…much to tlell…but all seems well…

We helped my brother with his pond on an emergency basis when we got to his house…and we arrived back to a mess with the koi pond (we are draining and filling as we speak: our big koi are ok, but we don’t know about the little ones—can’t see...

A message from Fearless Leader…

Facing the better part of 500 spam attempts—I have not accepted any new memberships registered in the last week or so. If you are a real and sincere person unfortunately caught in the mass deletion of the spam-net, please do sign up for the site again, and this...