Walking for health…we has to…

It gets so very hot in Spokane it’s horrid to try to walk anywhere…and I am NOT a walking type. But Jane needs to…she really does. So…we made a try at it. But Jane got an acid attack about 3 blocks out and we power-walked back to get her home....

Got one of the chairs…

It’s a little alarming. Lean back and all of a sudden it really goes back, but it’s very comfy. The relief to my lower back from shedding the former seat-set is immense. And it went to a good home, some generously-sized people who will, I think, find it...

Perhaps a little off-color, but Sei is pooping rainbows…

This is the first cat I have ever had who eats things: if it falls on the floor, even if it is not food…Sei will possibly nab it and eat it. We had a strand of green corrugated Christmas ribbon turn up when we moved the chairs. Eight inches of green 1/4 inch...

New coffeepot, big success.

I don’t like glass coffee pots. They spill, they break, and the coffee overheats, etc. etc. I have since about 2000 used the Hamilton Beach Brewstation, and liked its press-pour tech (coffee is held brewed into a tank-dispenser, and dispenses by the pressure of...