You know we travel with cats…

We found this marvelous thingie to replace our ferret cage. It weighs incredibly little, pops open, folds in a jif, and when all zippers are zipped, even a ferret would not easily get...

the phones-by-mail zoo……….

We got our new Go-phones yesterday. Decided to put them together this morning. Well, we have two boxes: in each a phone, a plugin for charging, a back, and what may be the battery. We have a huge double fistful of instructions. We were told to dial 611 and an ATT...

Frost on the roofs in Spokane. Freeze this coming Sunday.

Breakfast on the patio was nippy this morning. The pond is frothing up islands of white foam—lest you think picaresque, it’s dead bacteria, dying off from the chill, as the summer bacteria give up. The koi were all resting deep this morning, not interested...

Want to know a good one? Some geniuses in education…

…are suggesting that cursive writing be dropped from the curriculum. a) it’s the foundation of the ability to sketch and manipulate graphics and styli, a damned interesting choice in the computer age. b) it enables us to sign our names distinctively. c)...